By Mr A A Phadke, Sr Professor, IRIEEN
Statutory Warning: Apurva Bahadur and followers, keep your tempers under check ;)
Plan wise progress of Electrification in IR
Vision 2020: Increasing Route KM from 22K to 33K to haul 250% more traffic envisaged.
Takes us across the various projects underway or completed in various parts of the country.
Huge Cheers across the auditorium as he mentions the oft-debated Pune-Renigunta route.
GTL-RU 70% done. MAQ-SRR planned. GY-DMM-SBC sanctioned. SBC-MYS in progress.
PKT-JAT-UMP sanctioned and work started. Gondia-Nagbhir-Balharshah sanctioned.
Status of electrification across the country: Completed, sanctioned, planned for completion/start . Well compiled document.
Only 26kms of the Kengeri-Mysore planned for completion in the next year, while the LPI-WADI would be completed.
Daund-Puntamba-Shirdi also sanctioned to be wired up.
1215kms planned to be electrified in the next financial year.
Comparison of Diesel and Electric haulage of freight in the country. Distance, area, load all parameters calculated.
An average electric hauled freight hauls 9% more than diesel hauled.
Average speed of electrics is 8% higher than diesels
1.21:1 is the E:D loco usage for goods.
Published figures of Mileage and failure stats better for the electrics.
Personal Note: If you give more opportunity to one, they'd surely perform better, unless he of she is Ravindra Jadeja!
Cumulative cost and total km progression of energising!
Analysis of Operating expenses on IR.
A huge net savings, with a 92% Rate of Rerturn !
Comparison of Cost of running of Diesel and Electrics. Diesel rates have increased from 15 bucks to around 40 plus today.
Electrics are very efficient, with high maximum efficiency. They can regenerate power.
2014 will see Peak scenario.
Foot notes:
Shubhranshu could not make it to the convention, unfortunately :(
Mani Sir, LKO-MGS also sanctioned, if I remember right.
Karan.. the mods are working, slow n steady.